What we have been up to . . .

What we have been up to . . .

March 10, 2021 Uncategorized 0

Helping Shut-ins During COVID-19 Crisis

When the Covid 19 pandemic hit in 2020 life threatening fear, panic, as well as the unknown were the common theme around the world.  How long will this last?  Is there a cure?  When will life be normal?  These were questions we all asked.  There was one other question from some of our most vulnerable, “How will I be able to get food?”

“I knew people needed help, especially our seniors and shut ins” said Bullitt County Judge Executive Jerry Summers.  And Judge Summers and Bullitt County Fiscal Court stepped up to help.

Working together to get the meals out.

Judge Summers decided to appropriate money, approximately $300,000, from the County budget to pay for the meals for the folks who could not get out.  With the backing of the Fiscal Court, meal delivery began March 25, 2020.  To date the county has delivered 120,010 meals. 

“I knew there was a need, I didn’t know how deep” said Judge Summers. “And the CARES money has helped us continue the program.”

Putting the coalition to work.

Putting the coalition to work together was paramount in making sure the shut ins got what they needed.  Deputy Judge Kay Parrish was put in charge of the operation.  Working with each city, EMS, EMA, Solid Waste, the Road Department, and the Sheriff’s Office, as well as the Judge Executives staff, the Deputy Judge organized the operation.  Each week on Wednesday morning, food is brought in and distributed to all areas of the county.  Fox Chase Mayor Owen Taylor, Lebanon Junction Mayor Larry Dangerfield, Hillview Mayor Jim Eadens and Mt. Washington Mayor Barry Armstrong and their staffs are always front and center to help in their part of the county.  Deputy Judge Parrish makes sure there are enough people to get the boxes (consisting of 5 full meals and dessert) to each home.  What was delivered was more than just meals. Holiday greetings, information on the Census and COVID vaccination locations were also delivered with the meals. We made sure our seniors know we care, and we are here to help in any way we can. 

“This really shows that when our county sees a need we will get out and help our neighbors” said Deputy Judge Parrish.  “Being a part of this has been a real blessing for all of us”.